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Eggs are on 93% of American’s breakfast table. To increase their consumption we needed to get Americans thinking about eggs beyond breakfast. We discovered the “night shift chickens”, the ones that lay their eggs during the night. So, we created and introduced a new kind of egg. Dinner Eggs are real, you can find them on the shelves, at or in your fridge. It’s the symbol for keeping an open mouth when it comes to eggs.
Before Dinner Egg we rebranded the iconic Incredible Egg.
The American Egg Board needed people to think about eggs outside of breakfast. So we reframed the age-old question "How do you like your eggs?" in order to inspire people with dozens of new answers.
We came up with over a dozen different ways to answer the question. Then we brought them to life with unique, visually arresting portraits that were as memorable as their corresponding dishes.
Guess who also joined the campaign? The Incredibles!